Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spam Poem and Lipogram

Spam Poem:
I wonder if I should add D-Structure Sf as a friend
When I don’t Remember Mike Blucker? Say hi to the newest classmate of Everett High
New shoes? I got my TurboTax refund accepted
Steve Pool I got my Pacific NW Weather Program Rescheduled at the library


the end isnt far away, so I got shit to do today

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sweet.. psyche!

Theres a computer lab in my brain

Why is it that when I log into facebook and the first thing I see is 20 girls statuses all saying “ Im gonna kill the bachelor” “The bachelor sucks” “__ __ hates the bachelor” etc. Is this really what the majority of the populace is watching? If this trend continues upwards, it seems the whole world will know what the bachelors says on the season finale, but not what our president is saying. Scary.

If I were a computer, would I have a brain? Would I control my thoughts or would I have to refrain? I couldn’t enjoy the simple things I would only get to abstain. Some people live their life through a computer’s lens, only people they have a connection with are their guild friends. Looking for gear in all the wrong places. I’ve been walking along this planet earth since birth, and have seen the poor in the dirt and the ones with mirth.
Someone in class said something to the affect of, “We can kill without murder, take Auschwitz for example.” Did Germans demoralized the Jews to the point of turning them into the living dead? If you treat someone inhumanely, it doesn’t mean they aren’t human. If you’re a human then you’re a human, as far as I know. Though under different circumstances humans can begin to act differently. Living under different stress conditions can lead to new reactions in the brain, reactions that correspond positively with which environment a person is in. Take for example the poor. They live under a tighter budget, obviously, and what that entails is usually more stress. More stress leads humans to start to produce different chemicals in the brain. Chemical reactions that can lead to depression, mania, bipolar and a whole gamut of psychological problems. It is weird to think that our brains chemical reactions depend on situations around us and ability to cope with these situations. As humans, when we come into a stressful situation our adrenal gland determines which enzyme to secrete, adrenal or cortisol. Adrenal secretions cause what we know as adrenaline in humans and cortisol is a stress hormone.
According to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation:
A recent study found that children today spend an average of 6 hours each day in front of the computer and TV but less than 4 minutes a day in unstructured outdoor play, leading researchers to discover a new condition specific to this current generation that they have called “nature deficit disorder”. This extreme emphasis of indoor time spent in front of screens versus outdoor play and discovery has been correlated with negative psychological and physical effects including obesity, loneliness, depression, attention problems and greater social isolation due to reduced time with friends and family.

I think it will be hard for children in the future to actually deal with the problems that are face to face with them, because living vicariously through a screen seems to be what is becoming more and more the norm, while playgrounds and recess take backseat. What will become of the outdoors, not only the real wilderness set aside for enjoyment. But just outside the house door, on the front lawn, I don’t think there will ever be a substitute computer game for chasing down the ice cream man on a hot summer day. There’s no way you could get the full experience of being hot and wanting to cool down, with the smell of hot pavement all around and the feeling of satisfaction of using your ears as radar. Then tracking that son of a bitch down and getting a choco-taco. Luckily there are already programs set in place to protect this from happening, programs such as ‘No Child left inside’. Programs such as these will hopefully help to ward off the factory autonomic, multiple choice answering robots schools are producing today, into more well rounded people.
I don’t think will ever get to the level of biological advancement as humans, but possibly there will be half-breeds, most likely to be known as humanzee’s. Such as a humanoid with 30 percent identical to human genes and 70 percent chimpanzee. Will we exercise domesticity to these humanzee’s? What about their mothers and fathers? Who’s going to be the one to blame when the humanzee’s get stuck in projects and dead-end jobs? Maybe then we will have advanced technologically enough to find out the answer.