Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sick Jolly's

It seems the whole purpose of of writing the Ticket that Exploded for William S. Burroughs is to see how far he can take his sexual exposes while still getting his book published. Its quite the task to sift out the actual plot from amidst the parasitic sex skins and rectal mucus, and even from what I gatherd, the plot isnt that good. Leading me to think that Burroughs inent for this book was to push the envelope, to open up the mail of a new sexual revolution. I just wonder what the veritable postman (his publisher) was thinking when he gave the go ahead for this book to be published. Was he thinking “Oh what a great work, this is really going to entertain a lot of folk”? Or rather, “Hopefully this book will cause a revolution enough so that I can live out some of these sexual endevours?”
I head something interesting in class while we were discussing the book, the fact that it doesn’t leave any wiggle room. It simply is what it is, there is no getting around the garden of delights of anal rape and birth of green fish boys, to read this book is to sift through the rectal mucus of Burroughs thoughts.
This book is not a money maker, if Burroughs would have wanted to make a profit from writing and selling books, he would have chose a different genre than space fucking. It comes across as though Burroughs is trying to assimilate us into his version of reality. Trying to make us see a world in which sex is a means for life as well as death. Pretty messed up If you ask me. The alternate reality which Burroughs creates, if not a joke, is a means for him to come up with new and inventive ways to get his sick jollies.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it more probable that WSB is not saying that he desires these acts but instead that they horrify him as well--that indeed the flesh horrifies him and that he wants to get away from it?
